11 DIY Projects for Your Kitchen Everyone Can Enjoy
Add some antique-like yet fashionable style, modern utility and accessories to your kitchen. This short yet full list of tips will let you have fun while giving your kitchen a nice little facelift. Regardless of which hobby may be your favorite you can try out all 11 of these cute project-ideas. All of the DIY methods are quite simple and not difficult to finish. All you will need are some tools, paints and other common items that you probably already have in your home or garage. Otherwise, maybe you can borrow them from a craftsman friend. Even though some say that white isn’t a color, we really think it is and it’s also so refreshing. We hope that you like the color white because it’s the most common and best feature of how to brighten up your kitchen’s spaces. From cute cutting boards to adorable decorated hand towels, we got some great ideas here we’re sure that you will like. Well then, let’s begin to be brighter!
Alphabet Boards: Make some fresh new cutting boards and label them with a burning tool.
Illustrative Table Top: Decorate your rustic table with equally rustic yet attractive animal-diagrams.
Totally Tea!: Transform a plain white tea-pot set into a few cute pieces of tea culture. Be sure to use a good permanent marker.
So Spoony: Turn a simple wooden box into a beautiful holder for recipes. The bent spoon adds the right rustic tough and also serves as a weight.
Cutting Edge Tablet: Take an unused or scratched-up cutting board and make it into a stand for your tablet
The Edge of Cutting Block: Upgrade an ordinary knife-block by painting contrasting colors onto its sides to show off the contour of each knife.
Op’pa Cross-Stitch Style: Get the right font from an internet website and print out stylish labels to better organize and find your food items.
New Breed of Brooches: Stick unused jewelry and brooches to plain strong magnets to make beautiful decorative new magnetic pieces for your refrigerator.
What’s Your Animal Sign?: Show off your fondness of animals and maybe astrology too by stenciling animals figures on to ordinary white coffee cups and mugs.
Show Your Point: Print images of darts, pins and other pointy markers onto adhesive magnetic paper in order to make creatively surprising magnets for your refrigerator.
Crochet Towels: Gather together your flea market findings and a few fabric pieces and put together these cute towels perfect for tea-time!